21st November 2018
New Consultant Announcement - Dr Intazar Bashir

We are pleased to announce that we are now holding appointments with our new Consultant in Pain Management, Dr Intazar Bashir.
Dr Bashir's sub-speciality is with Pain medicine and his clinical interests include:
- Headaches – Greater occipital nerve blocks, cervical facet nerve blocks, botox
- Back and neck pain – radiofrequency denervation, epidurals, transforaminal nerve blocks
- Joint pain – radiofrequency denervation of suprascapular nerve and genicular nerves
- Muscle/tendon injuries – PRP injections
- Fibromyalgia – intravenous lidocaine infusions
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – sympathetic blocks
- Post -operative chronic pain
- Medication review and advice
- Preparation for surgery when suffering with chronic pain