7th November 2019
World Radiography Day started a day earlier at The Montefiore

To help celebrate World Radiography Day our Imaging department started a day earlier by putting up an informative display (along with cake and sweets) and giving an opportunity to all team members in the hospital to see and enquire about the machines used for diagnostics scanning.
World Radiography Day is celebrated on 8 November every year, marking the anniversary of the discovery of x-radiation by Wilhelm Roentgen in 1895.
Radiographers worldwide can use the day and the days around the date to promote radiography as a career, as a vital contribution to modern healthcare, and as an opportunity to increase public awareness of diagnostic imaging and radiation therapy.
At The Montefiore Hospital we offer a wide range of scans that include MRI, X-Ray, Ultrasound, CT and mammograms. If you would like to know more about how to book an appointment and see our team, just click here.